Bruksanvisning Philips EP2035 Espressomaskin

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1 To assemble LatteGo, first insert the top of the milk container under the hook at the top of the
frame (Fig. 4). Then press home the bottom part of the milk container. You hear a click when it locks
into place (Fig. 5).
Note: Make sure that the milk container and the frame are clean before you connect them.
2 Slightly tilt LatteGo and put it on the hot water spout (Fig. 6). Then press it home until it locks into
place (Fig. 7).
3 Fill LatteGo with milk up to the level indicated on the milk container for the drink you are brewing
(Fig. 8). Do not fill the milk container beyond the maximum indication.
If you have personalized the milk quantity, you may need to fill the milk container with more or
less milk than indicated for this drink on LatteGo.
Always use milk coming directly from the fridge for optimal results.
4 Place a cup on the drip tray.
5 Tap the milk-based drink icon of your choice.
You can now adjust the drink to your own preference (see 'Personalizing drinks').
6 Press the start/stop
The light in the drink icon flashes while the drink is being dispensed. When you brew a
cappuccino or latte macchiato, the machine first dispenses milk and then coffee. When you
brew caffè latte, the machine first dispenses coffee and then milk.
To stop dispensing milk before the machine has dispensed the preset amount, press the
7 To stop dispensing the complete drink (milk and coffee) before the machine is finished, press and
hold the start/stop button.
Frothing milk with classic milk frother
Always use milk coming directly from the fridge for the best foam quality.
1 Tilt the black silicone handle on the machine to the left and slide the milk frother onto it (Fig. 9).
2 Fill a milk jug with with approx. 100 ml milk for cappuccino and approx. 150 ml milk for latte
3 Insert the milk frother approx. 1 cm into the milk.
4 Tap the steam icon (Fig. 10).
The light in the steam icon goes on and the start light starts pulsing.
5 Press the start/stop
button to froth the milk (Fig. 11).
The machine starts heating up, steam is forced into the milk and the milk is frothed.
6 When the milk foam in the milk jug has reached the required volume, press the start/stop
again to stop frothing milk.
Never froth milk longer than 90 seconds. The frothing automatically stops after 90 seconds.
You do not have to move the milk jug during milk frothing to get the best milk froth quality.
Brewing coffee with pre-ground coffee
You can choose to use pre-ground coffee instead of beans, for example if you prefer a different coffee
variety or decaffeinated coffee.
1 Press the on/off button to switch on the machine and wait until it is ready for use.
2 Open the lid of the pre-ground coffee compartment and pour one leveled measuring scoop of pre-
ground coffee into it (Fig. 12). Then close the lid.
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Märke Philips
Modell EP2035
Kategori Espressomaskiner
Filtyp PDF
Filstorlek 6.05 MB

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Vad säger malningen om kaffet? Verifierad

Kvarnstypen avgör starkt smaken på kaffet. En finare malning betyder i allmänhet en starkare smak och en grovare malning betyder en mildare smak. En mycket fin malning kan resultera i bittert kaffe.

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Vad är det bästa sättet att lagra kaffe? Verifierad

Kaffe förvaras bäst i en ren och lufttät burk.

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Bruksanvisning Philips EP2035 Espressomaskin

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